(FL 05 107 cv.)
Fruit & Plant Characteristics
The FL 05 107 strawberry variety is a short-day cultivar adapted to annual, winter and spring production on raised, plastic mulch-covered beds. The variety develops a compact, upright plant with long pedicels that facilitate the fruit harvest. Fruit and plants of the FL 05-107 variety are sold under the Winterstar® brand.
Strawberries of the FL 05 107 variety have a low acid content which gives them a milder and sweeter flavor that improves continually during the ripening process. The variety produces uniformly conic fruit throughout the season. The fruit size is intermediate to large. Berries have excellent firmness and shelf life.
The FL 05 107 strawberry variety has a bright red external color that develops gradually. Growers may consider changing the harvest schedule, specifically during shorter days and cooler weather, for the berries to develop its optimal color and flavor. In open field production, fruit of the FL 05 107 variety is resistant to water damage. The strawberries may develop a pale, water soaked spot if moisture or puddles accumulate on the plastic mulch, but the size and extent of the water spot diminishes as the fruit dries out.
Nursery & Field Production
The FL 05 107 strawberry variety runners well in the nursery field. Its foliage is robust and not prone to breakage. Well-drained soils are highly recommended.
The FL 05 107 variety requires sufficient feeding during and after plant establishment to develop an adequate crown size and a strong root system.
For mid- and late- season, moderate nitrogen rates are suggested. Excessive applications of nitrogen will reduce fruit quality and increase the variability of the fruit size. Growers should maintain optimal soil humidity, avoiding over-saturation when irrigating.
Disease Resistance
The FL 05 107 variety shows good resistance to the causal agent of anthracnose fruit rot, Colletotrichum Acutatum, and moderate resistance to the causal agent of charcoal rot, Macrophomina Phaseolina.
The variety is susceptible to the causal agent of botrytis fruit rot, Botrytis Cinerea. Growers are advised to make timely applications of fungicide during the peak bloom periods.
The variety is susceptible to crown and root rots caused by Phytophthora Cactorum. Mefenoxam has proven to be highly effective and should be injected through the drip tape as soon as plants are established. Applications of phosphites are recommended regularly throughout the fruiting season for control of Phytophthora root rot.
*Characteristics may vary depending on weather conditions, day length, soil type and location.