(A13 29 cv.)

- Good flavor throughout the entire season
- Superior shelf-life and transportability
- Firm, juicy berries with a smooth texture
- Uniform, conical shape after January
- Bright medium red and glossy
- Medium to large, marketable fruit
- Highly productive
- Moderately early fruit onset
- Easy to harvest
- Excellent disease resistance
Fruit Characteristics
The A13 29 is a short-day strawberry cultivar originating from the Masiá Ciscar S.A. variety development program in Spain where it is marketed under the Palmeritas® brand. Fruit of the Palmeritas® strawberry brand provide consistently good flavor throughout the season. The variety offers superior shelf life and is excellently suited for long distance shipping markets.
The Palmeritas® brand A13 29 variety produces high yields of medium to large strawberries early in the season. In the very beginning of the production cycle, berries are characterized by a slightly elongated appearance. Starting in February, however, 90% of the fruit hold a uniform and conical shape.
Fruit of the Palmeritas® brand A13 29 strawberry variety provide medium firmness, withstanding 428 g of pressure, and is very juicy with a nice texture. The seeds are slightly sunken in giving the bright red strawberries a beautiful glossy look. The Palmeritas® brand A13 29 strawberry variety delivers evenly good flavor with an average BRIX of 8.7 and was overall well perceived by consumer taste panels.
Plant Characteristics
The Palmeritas® brand A13 29 strawberry variety has a small plant size with an erect or upright growth habit. Allowing for high density growth, the variety achieves excellent yields. The average fruit production per plant ranges from 950 to 1200 g. The plants have an open structure which facilitates the field management and fruit harvest. Growers can harvest the first fruit 90 days after plant establishment.
Nursery & Field Production
The Palmeritas® brand A13 29 is a rustic strawberry variety that multiplies very well. Both in the nursery and fruit production fields, it adapts to many different types of soils, including heavier soils. The recommended date for transplanting is between October 1 and 20 to achieve optimal results.
The optimal distance between the plants is 18 to 25 cm. Proper preparation of the soil is recommended to ensure good percolation of water and nutrients. Producers must apply a full formula fertilizer and optimize the level of irrigation to help the plants develop a strong root system, as well as restrict the spreading of pathogenic fungi.
In Huelva, Spain, fruit producers achieved excellent results by growing the Palmeritas® brand A13 29 strawberry variety under tunnels. Throughout the season, sufficient nutrients must be applied to maintain an adequate flower and fruit onset. Producers must closely monitor nitrogen levels to ensure the optimum fruit performance and quality.
Disease Resistance
The Palmeritas® brand A13 29 strawberry variety offers excellent disease resistance against Phytophthora cactorum and powdery mildew and has shown good tolerance of aphids.
*Characteristics may vary depending on weather conditions, day length, soil type and location.