(FL 00 51 cv.)

- High sugar and very sweet flavor
- Compact and very robust plant
- Excellent disease resistance
- Large, marketable fruit
- Bright red and glossy
- High firmness and good shelf life
- Moderately productive
- Moderately early
Fruit & Plant Characteristics
Florida Elyana (FL 00 51) is a short-day strawberry variety adapted to annual, winter and spring plasticulture growing systems. The variety is marketed under the Elyana™ brand. The firm and high quality fruit is characterized by high sugar levels, sweet flavor and a tropical aroma.
Fruit of the Elyana™ strawberry brand is large and wedge-shaped with an even and bright red color. The cultivar lacks resistance to rain damage which is likely to occur in open field production.
The Florida Elyana (FL 00 51) strawberry variety possesses a robust yet compact plant. The variety demonstrates excellent overall disease resistance, making it adaptable to difficult growing conditions.
Nursery & Field Production
Due to Florida Elyana’s excellent overall disease profile, the variety requires less disease management compared to other strawberry varieties. It has excellent resistance to Colletotrichum acutatum, the causal agent of anthracnose fruit rot and a high level of resistance to root and crown rots caused by Phytophthora cactorum.
The Florida Elyana (FL 00 51) strawberry variety has moderate resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina, the causal agent of charcoal rot; moderate resistance to Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of Botrytis fruit rot; and good resistance to Podosphaera aphanis, the causal agent of powdery mildew.
Disease Resistance
The Elyana™ strawberry brand runners well in the nursery field, and its strong plant resists damage during lifting. Misshapen fruit may occur in the second flush of flowering if the nursery plants have received a high level of chilling. If possible, growers should consider experimenting, using nursery plants with varying degrees of chilling.
In the fruiting field, Elyana™ requires a moderate level of fertilization. Over-application of nitrogen may reduce fruit quality. The Florida Elyana (FL 00 51) strawberry cultivar produces its first flush of fruit early in the season, although its total yields are not as high as other Florida varieties. Higher density plantings, however, may overcome this deficiency. The compact plant is adaptable to close in-row spacing.
On occasion, white leaf variegation has been observed in Elyana™. This is not caused by virus infection and should not affect overall fruit production.
*Characteristics may vary depending on weather conditions, day length, soil type and location.